OOC--out of control

The only thing that made me laugh today:

I ran home to meet my maintenance man who brought his friend to fix our toilet. It took about two minutes (thank you friend of the maintenance dude) but he didn't have the parts to fix our constantly running shower. So, the dude asks me, in his thick Bosnian accent, if he can come fix it early tomorrow while we're not around...because.....the new season of the OC is premiering.

I got such a kick out of it. So I laughed and called him a nerd in front of his friend but told him it would be okay. When all else fails, I guess there's always the OC...there's also a new Real World Philly tonight. Yippeee, I think Landon cries in this one!

older shit || newer shit

Mimseylou signing off - 2006-06-28

haaappy (mostly) pride - 2006-06-27

I fell in love this week - 2006-06-21

ranting for no reason - 2006-06-19

Heart be still - 2006-06-15